Wednesday, May 27, 2015







Discourse Nine


Joel: I’m feeling as though I should apologize to you. I know you don’t need an apology. But I’m very aware that I need to spend more time with these teachings. A lot of what was showing up for me I need to study them more and apply them.

Two Marys: Indeed. You have explained it perfectly. There is no need, of course, for any apology to anyone but yourself. For when you review the last dialogue, you see what you have done for yourself. You have created that trespassing that we discussed, and then you found yourself in the mess. You were awake and aware enough to say, “OK, I’m in the mess.” That is preferable to being oblivious and in denial. It is more enlightened to wake up and acknowledge to yourself, “OK, I am in the mess.”

So, indeed, that is the process. As you are learning, the process can be easier and go more quickly when you are engaging with others and aware that every unfoldment, every circumstance, every interaction is grist for the mill of the teaching.

We applaud you for choosing that insight, for you have chosen to end your relationship with duality by choosing to be in the insight versus in victimhood. You are choosing to enter into love, into self- love, into your growth, into the resonance of your spirituality, into your spiritual mission.

And, indeed, what is that mission? That mission will always be about expanding into more. By choosing to be awake enough to notice that you are getting messy, you demonstrate you have chosen expansion, Ascension, awakening, or whatever you choose to call it.

And beloved Joel, beloved students, this is the springboard for the topic for this discourse. For it is time to truly discuss the student’s relationship with comfort at a whole other level. The discussion of comfort zones has been utilized before. Each student recognizes her own relationship with discomfort and comfort zones.

Here is the rub. Each student has an unconscious aspect of her mind that repels her from pushing the boundaries of her comfort zone. So the only way for the student to progress is to practice the art of integrating discomfort. Expanding consciousness involves growth, and GROWTH CREATES DISCOMFORT.

In the previous discourse, we mentioned that when students trespass, when they wake up to the fact that what they have been up to is not congruent with Ascension, it is very uncomfortable to discover that they are in the mess. This starts a whole other level of trespassing—shaming and judging themselves for being in the mess.

The only way to stay rational in the face of great discomfort is to learn to MASTER discomfort. When you study the practices that historically have been used to develop spiritual students, they always include practices to master discomfort by producing discomfort in the BODY—uncomfortable yoga poses, uncomfortable breath work, uncomfortable exercises.

Humans do not pleasure themselves into growth. Most spiritual A TEST FOR THE LESSONS YOU ARE HERE TO LEARN.

That is a beautiful paradigm. How fantastic for the students to realize that everything occurring in their life is a testing ground for the life lessons they are here to learn. Whether it is lack and limitation, whether it is suppressing communication, whether it perfect lessons or tests for the student.

So instead of judging oneself for falling down, what if the interpretation was “Fantastic. I have fallen down, so I can use this situation as an OPPORTUNITY to get back to my heart.” All of a sudden it is an opportunity, not a disaster. It is an moment that fosters more growth. Who decides? The student, of course.

So the practices are NOT designed to be comfortable. The practices that we endorse—that the spiritual masters, the avatars of your third dimensional planet have always endorsed—involve MASTERY OF DISCOMFORT.

Perhaps it will help the students to realize why they hesitate so often to reach into their tool kit to practice a tool. They have not mastered the discomfort that occurs before the situation is resolved. What if not having it all resolved, just being in the chaos, was viewed as a perfect opportunity to master discomfort?

Many channeled teachings are coming through to humanity right now advising humans to change their lives; disrupt the status quo; end things that aren’t working; begin things that the heart wants; say no to outside intruders; stay focused. These are all accurate teachings. Underneath all of them is the idea that the student must be able to hang out in the discomfort of not knowing. For that is what the discomfort is all about, is it not? “I do not know. I can’t see. I don’t understand. I don’t like how it feels.” All of this involves the fear of not knowing.

Now, beloved students, these are all products of the mind. And, of course, there is no knowing in the mind. The knowing is always in the heart. What if the doorway to your heart was actually paved with discomfort, and each state of discomfort was interpreted as one step closer to a full heart? Can you see how that instantly changes the entire paradigm? “Oh, this discomfort. If I practice correct consciousness with my discomfort, it will lead me to my heart.”

Humans won’t go to their heart without discomfort pushing them there. They will seek other avenues through the mind and through distractions. That is why people choose to live in ashrams and monasteries and rid themselves of distraction. It’s much more challenging to stay on track with your mission while living among people who are living their regular lifestyles.

The students reading this handbook are living, breathing, and eating in their normal lives.Therefore, your capacity for discomfort, to have compassion for yourself when you are in the “I don’t know part” must be substantial. How do you do that? It is much like doesn’t understand or know anything about that experience. Yet, when those contractions begin and the baby is being born, the body knows everything it needs to know.

Where is that for the student? In your heart. Your heart knows everything it needs to know. How will you get there? By developing an enormous compassion for yourself, accepting that the road is paved with discomfort. Why do you think austerity exists in the schools, the ashrams, the monasteries? Austerity is UNCOMFORTABLE. Indeed, this is the sign of mastery when students have developed such a tolerance, such a loving capacity, such a compassion for themselves with their discomfort that they LOVE THEMSELVES through it.

It is not about having lots of tools in the tool kit. It is about being willing to not know the outcome of reaching for the tools, to not know the answer and simply engage with the discomfort until it takes you back to your heart.

So if we use the example of your own planet as a model, it is easy to see the planet has been going through discomfort. It is obvious as she shifts and changes herself to her next highest order of integration. It is not about comfort. It is about moving. For transformation to occur, disruption must happen. The status quo must be changed. Full disruption must occur with regard to certain beliefs, certain brainwashing, certain erroneous assumptions about how it all works and, of course, that obsessive, addictive part that just needs to know the answers.

So for that realignment to take place, one must become much like a marathon runner regarding discomfort.The marathon runner may experience something called the “wall.”When he hits the wall, he will know it because he has been told by his coaches and others back with everything he has and continue moving his body forward. time, there is no way they can conceive how much chaos it will produce in their body. And when they hit the wall, those that keep going are really just repeating one thing to themselves: keep going, keep going, keep going.

The purpose of developing a relationship with discomfort is not about asking the student to CHOOSE discomfort. It is to simply acknowledge that discomfort is REQUIRED on the way to growth. It is required. We have discussed before that the suffering one attaches to painful bodily sensations is entirely optional. There is no universal law that says when the intensity of pain builds to certain levels you must suffer. It is not law. It is a belief system, a very destructive belief system. Suffering is optional.

Suffering is the context in which that owner/occupant of the body is operating. The paradigm says intense pain equals suffering. The spiritual adept says intensity equals opportunity to become more expanded: “Let me go into this intensity. Let me use my tools. Let me honor this transformational moment within myself. And let me practice with this.”

This is the way of the spiritual adept. This is the way of developing more compassion for yourself and for your relationship with suffering. It is an option for you to simply choose to end your relationship with suffering, much like choosing to practice or to choose Ascension.

It is not true that one must suffer to ascend. It is true that one must CHANGE to ascend. It is true that one must GROW to ascend. And it is certainly true that to become a master, one must DEVELOP MASTERY WITH DISCOMFORT. It is not discomfort saying, “Yes, I embrace it. Yes, it is intense. Yes, God is intense. Yes, Ascension is intense.”

It is very apparent that human beings are addicted to intensity through all their distractions—intense movies, books, and politics. Yet humanity has a complete aversion to FRUITFUL intensity in the body. “Let us make our women completely numb so they cannot feel their body giving birth.” How does this serve spiritual unfoldment? It does not.

So to truly master discomfort, you must develop the courage to KEEP GOING. The courage of the universe is yours. How does God keep expanding? Through love, which is courage. Lots of but it is absolutely guaranteed there will be injuries along the way. The adept says, “Goody, here we go again, time for more healing. Thank God I get to heal. Thank God I get to keep going with this. Thank God I have some idea of what this might be about.”

It is such a pleasure for the part of us that remembers being human to witness the student’s courage. It is time for everyone who reads this material to recognize that courage, to recognize that you already have compassion for yourself. It is time to turn that volume all the way up. It is time to say, “Yes, I will allow all the courage of the universe to be mine.” It is time for the student required that I SURRENDER WHEN I DISCOVER MYSELF SUFFERING.”

SURRENDER AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. That is the mantra of the spiritual adept: “I surrender. In this moment I choose surrender.” And then, of course, as the surrender occurs, the students are restored into that stillness, that purity of the heart, where once again they remember who they are. They remember God’s love. They remember their birthright to be love, to be God experiencing God through this precious vehicle called a human body, to be loved and to love. In that place whatever is on purpose for that student to be revealed will be revealed.

So the consciousness of the student begins to draw on the God power of divine love when the student says, “I will redesign my contextual experience of living life so that I will begin to see everything that is unfolding for me as the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY—not some exasperating circumstance that makes no sense.”

As that student begins that theme, she will be using everything from humor as a tool to exercises with breath, movement, and sound to discussions with like-minded individuals who can say, “Yes, I you go through this. I will hold this space so that you will develop more self-love as you embrace your circumstance. And I observe for you and with you that because you are choosing to embrace this

That is how a soul family operates. Family members recognize everything that is occurring is about those lessons. When the Two Marys walked on the Earth as women on a mission, they were exceedingly handicapped being women. Now in our expansion, of course, we understand how fabulous that we chose to be women walking with a Messiah.

How great that we could master our bodies so that we would completely understand our spiritual development from childbirth. We would then have the gift of being mothers letting our children break our hearts over and over and be women walking with an avatar that was at times loved and at times scorned. How perfect to master discomfort.

Now, students, look at your life anew and ask yourself, “How have I designed it perfectly to learn mastery with my body? Not that my body betrays me with injuries or diseases, but how have I actually set it up through those issues to potentially put myself in a position of mastery? Have I recognized that, or do I avert my inner vision from the simple truth that the lessons are showing me? Am I seeing it as a perfect masterpiece of creation? Am I able, even if it’s painful, to chuckle and say, wow, I sure set that up well so I could learn more mastery. Fabulous.

“How interesting that my mind wants to run down that wretched track in my brain where the only possible outcome will be suffering. How interesting that I can observe that and practice not going down that path and just be uncomfortable and return to my center and say I love myself even when I’m uncomfortable. I love myself as God even when it’s complete chaos in my body. I love myself no matter what I’m feeling.”

It is time for the students to see the perfection of their creation in every domain of their life, in every circumstance. “How is this teaching me trust, self-love, courage, and compassion for myself ?” Humans might think it is time to have more compassion for each other. That is not quite it. It is time for humans to have more compassion for THEMSELVES, which will then out picture as more compassion for each other. But it must start with them.

Students, create an inventory for yourself in the different domains of your life. Are you aware of what lessons permeate every domain of your life? Is it courage? Is it compassion for yourself ? Is it to have more trust in the chaos? What is the lesson you are currently experiencing? Start to proclaim your circumstances as perfect and be grateful for the lessons they are teaching you. You created them so you could test yourself, so you could learn your lessons. You are the master teacher.

The more you perceive, the more you gain detachment from the drama and the glamour of suffering. There is the belief in Western culture that it is somehow civilized to suffer. There is nothing civilized about suffering. If you are suffering, you are avoiding the lessons. You are avoiding practicing the tools from the tool kit, and you are being dishonest with yourself about universal law.

There is a term used in the human potential movement in your Western culture called “radical honesty.” The Two Marys endorse the idea of radical honesty, which in an ashram, mystery school, or a temple the word would not be required. Every student would understand that the only honesty is full honesty. But in your current culture, you need a word such as because it is radical to be honest. Of course, it has become radical to tell the truth in your culture.

So we recommend a radical form of honesty for yourself, one that is tempered with great compassion because your culture fosters all this deceit, pretentiousness, and inauthenticity. As a result, being honest with yourself about what you are doing, what you are creating, what you are resisting, and what you are experiencing is radical. As you read this, let that be a little uncomfortable. There is a reason it is uncomfortable. Everyone reading this understands it is not wise or honorable to be dishonest with yourself. It is a habit, a learned behavior. It is not fact based, and it doesn’t resonate with universal law. It is, in a bizarre way, an act or defiance. 

So we recommend that you make an inventory of your life and map it out according to such categories as your relationships, your physical health and well-being, your spiritual life, and your money/material concerns. You really want compassionate, rigorous honesty in these areas.

How fantastic a cocreator you are that you have created these challenges in one or more of these categories at this time! Why? For the purpose of painting yourself into a corner so that you could transform yourself into something more. How glorious! What an artist you are! What a masterpiece you have created! Acknowledge that. Love that about yourself. Look and ask yourself, “How am I doing? Am I embracing each lesson showing up in each category of my life?” There is always one lesson that is dominating each domain.

We recommend you do this process monthly. If you’re truly interested in your progress, each year review all twelve months to see where you’ve been to acknowledge your progress and to consider where might you want to go next. What do you want to happen next? What is your life calling for next? Contemplate that.

The Two Marys wish to inform students that they may derive compassion from various sources that they may not have conscious own spirit guides, angels and helpers; from the Christ Consciousness; from Gaia, who has gone before humanity and is actually in the leading edge of Ascension; from the compassion of nature; from the compassion of deceased spiritual masters; from the compassion of the animals. There is no end to the compassion available.

With radical honesty you will open yourself up to more and more compassion. At some point that compassion will move you to such depth that you will be permanently in touch with your spiritual destiny.

We want to acknowledge that no one reading this material gets for their ability to surrender, for their ability to keep going when the going gets rough. So now at this time we offer you our benediction, our love, and our certainty that because you chose and you have been chosen, you are the way, you are the light, you are the truth, and you are the peace that surpasses all understanding.

If we were in front of you now in physical form, we would give you a standing ovation. Please give yourself a standing ovation on our behalf. We invite you at this time to stand up, to cheer out loud, to hug yourself, and to congratulate yourself for your part in God’s plan, the Cosmic Consciousness, for your part in assisting in every aspect of the expansion. Thank yourself for showing up and receiving your good and your birthright.

You may call on us at any time to assist you in your grand adventure of Ascension. Call on your guides. Seek others who resonate with your plans for Ascension. Study the discourses. Have discussion groups about the discourses, if you choose. Practice your tools, and we will meet you beyond this dimension.

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